For the Aggie community, certain phrases and slogans are a part of the daily vernacular, terms that only an Aggie truly understands. The Langford's Chaplain, Gabe Montez interviews an Aggie alum and shares the many traditions honored by the alumni members at the retirement community.
“He had already lost a kidney and had a transplant done back in 2005,” she recalled. “It was time for another transplant, and I wanted to help.” As it turns out, that act of love from Vaughn, the Life Enrichment Coordinator at The Langford, ended up impacting more lives than she could have imagined.
The fall harvest is full of seasonal fruit and vegetables that are in peak season in Texas during the last few months of the year. Most grocers in Texas keep most fruit in stock year-round. However, flavor, color, size, and texture are largely dependent on enjoying while in season.
On this special workday, students are dispersed across Bryan-College Station to volunteer with a variety of non-profits, as well as complete projects for private citizens who are in need. This year, The Langford in College Station was fortunate to be selected as a service project site.