Methodist Retirement Communities warmly welcomes every dear soul, regardless of color, disability, gender, nationality, race or religion. We are driven by our mission to make life good for Texas seniors. We aim to do that in all the ways that we can but in some ways, we must depend on the generosity of donors. That means that you have the opportunity to join us in our mission! Click on any of the links below to learn more about each of the areas where gifts are particularly important to helping MRC fulfill its mission of providing faith-based quality living for senior adults.

- Resident Covenant Fund – God made promissory covenants throughout history with His people. He made covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses and David. Then Jesus established a new covenant through which “those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance” (Hebrews 9:15). God faithfully fulfills the promises of his covenants. Gifts to the Resident Covenant Fund are used to aid MRC in fulfilling our covenants to our residents. They help us continue our service to those with whom we have made the promise, “We will never ask you to leave your home just because you cannot pay. We will not cast you aside nor will we forsake you just because you lack the needed financial resources.”
Being asked to move from their home is a real fear for seniors in American. Running out of money is listed as one of the top worries of many seniors in America. That’s why we commit to caring for our residents even if they should outlive their resources through no fault of their own. But we can’t do this alone. Wonderful donors like you, ensure the ongoing needs of residents are met and they can stay secure in their home at an MRC community.
There are a number of reasons, why a resident could unexpectedly run out of money. The reason we most often see is when a resident lives an exceptionally long life. It happens all the time - folks move into our communities and extend their life due to their daily engagement with quality dining, excellent care services and socialization. What a blessing! Our residents are free from fear and anxiety about what happens next. Your gift can help a resident stay with us, maintain their dignity and ensure they continue to have the care and services needed for life. - Employee Education Fund – MRC loves to see team members grow. A number of members of our Leadership and Executive teams have grown into their current positions through MRC’s commitment to continuing education for all team members. Your generosity helps to strengthen the MRC team as gifts are used to enhance the knowledge and skills of team members from all disciplines at all levels of the organization.
- Resident Programs – The MRC Life Styles teams work tirelessly to ensure residents in all areas of living are engaged and challenged with activities and events that are meaningful to them and in which they find purpose. Gifts to Resident Programs are used to provide tools and resources to make certain life is full and good for each of our residents.
- Memory Support Programs – MRC Memory Support communities offer special training to team members to equip them to best serve residents with the Alzheimer’s or other dementia. Your gift may off-set the cost of specialized training or could be used for special tools and resources used by memory support teams to ensure residents have engaging and enriching environments in which to live and thrive.
- Building Campaigns – The MRC dream of serving more and more seniors with new communities is completely dependent on major donations for start-up capital. Without the support of the individuals, couples, families and organizations that share our commitment to senior care in a faith-based environment, MRC might never have grown beyond that first building where it started, almost 60 years ago.
- Employee Emergency Fund – This Fund is an example of Employees Helping Employees. Team members from across the State contribute to this Fund whose purpose is to help staff when they encounter a financial hardship due to an emergency or crisis situation. As examples, gifts to the Fund may help a team member whose house has flooded or has been damaged in a fire or who has unexpected expenses related to a medical emergency or the death or injury of a family member. (NOTE: This single fund provides assistance to employees in all MRC communities. As such, it is the only fund where it is not possible to ear-mark your gift for a specific community.)
With any of these funds, you can designate that your gift is intended for use by the residents and staff at The Langford. Additionally, if you would like to make your donation in honor, in celebration or in memory of someone, we are happy to send notifications to those you are honoring.
A word from our Vice Presidents of Philanthropy- Todd Partin
“We thank you for your interest in Methodist Retirement Communities and our affiliate communities. Whether you would like to make a one-time gift or an ongoing contribution, we can make the process as easy as possible. We are honored when donors like you want to join us in our efforts to make life good for those we serve. Find out more about how you can make a difference by contacting The Langford team or by reaching out to me directly by email at tpartin@mrcaff.org or by phone at 281-210-0139.”